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Community Based Accountability System

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The Kenton County School District is committed to the success of every one of our 14,000+ amazing students.  Decisions made in our school system are based on our district motto, “It’s About ALL Kids.” The operational decisions are guided by our district mission, beliefs, goals and our expectation that every child is transition ready and prepared for the 21st Century Economy.

Our district is very fortunate to have incredible support that we value and embrace the belief that our district is accountable to our community, ensuring we provide a world-class education.  It is with this important concept in mind, that we are implementing the Community Based Accountability Model to ensure that our community is educated on all aspects of our work and the goals, success, and areas of need that truly define our school system.  This model ensures that members of TEAM KENTON and our extended family participates in the development and analysis of the True Accountability Model. 

The CBAS model will not replace the state KSA model and the KCSD will continue to value those results for growth opportunities, however, we submit that no school system or school can be measured by an annual standardized assessment given to students during one time period.  Rather, true accountability is a systemic, holistic review of the work of the district that is grounded in forward facing progress versus annual summative reviews with regards to educating the whole child.

The KCSD CBAS model is adapted from the work of John Tanner (BravEd) and districts he is working with across the nation.  The KCSD is proud to lead this work in the Commonwealth with all stakeholders to ensure that Kenton County has world-class opportunities for our students. 

The components of our CBAS model are housed on our website for your information, review and feedback.  We trust you agree that we have an excellent school system and that we are on the right path with this model embracing all aspects of education and engaging TEAM KENTON in the work.  Should you have questions or want additional information, please contact our Central Office at 859-344-8888.

Accountability Engine

accountability engine

The accountability engine utilizes a process that identifies key areas for measurement/accountability to drive meaningful progress in the district and ensure that the district is where we want to be with respect to becoming world class for our students, staff and our community. The Pillar Action Teams made up of stakeholders will review evidence quarterly and make judgements “signaling” on the current success of key questions based on evidence.

The Components for True Accountability Include:

  • An Accountability Engine
  • Pillars and Key Questions
  • Signaling
  • An Annual Summary

The 6 Pillars of the Kenton County School District:


Ensure students are educated in an optimal environment that is safe, secure, and conducive to learning. This includes both physical safety as well as the social emotional needs of each student.


Student Learning/Progress

Ensure academic success and growth for all students so that every student reaches their maximum learning potential.


Student Readiness

Ensure all students are prepared with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to be transition ready.


Student, Family and Community Engagement

Ensure engagement of students, families and the community in ways that contribute to the overall growth and success of all stakeholders.


World Class Staff

Ensure recruitment, retention and support of high quality staff


Fiscal/Operations Systems

Ensure the district is financially responsible and utilizes its resources to further the district mission.



Transition Readiness/Kentucky Portrait of a Learner

District Goal: KCSD Transition Ready Dashboard

Transition Readiness in the KCSD is defined as ensuring all students are prepared with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to be transition ready. Within the KCSD Transition Readiness model, one can find embedded the six traits of the Kentucky Portrait of a Learner:  Engaged Citizen, Critical Thinker, Effective Communicator, Empowered Learner, Creative Contributor, and Productive Collaborator.  The KCSD Transition Ready model is comprehensive across all grade levels and allows for opportunities for students to partake in experiences that will benefit ALL students leading to overall college and/or career readiness.  The Transition Ready model is designed to display college and career readiness through multiple measures.  Some examples (including but not limited to) of alignment with the Kentucky Portrait of a Learner are engaged citizens through community service and workplace learning, critical thinkers as demonstrated through advanced course work, effective communicators and creative contributors through internships and extra/co-curricular activities, empowered learners through meeting standardized testing benchmarks and 90% or higher attendance rates, and productive collaborators through enlisting in the military or passing the ASVAB.  As one can see, students are offered opportunities within both college and career ready indicators both inside and beyond the classroom to enhance their development within the six traits of the KCSD Portrait of a Graduate. Additionally, these six traits are embedded in our CBAS model to ensure that every KCSD child has the requisite skills for post-secondary success.


Action Teams

Annual Review

First page of the PDF file: AnnualReviewwebversion3