The 2023-24 School Report Card has been released for the Kenton County School District. School and District Report Cards provide information including test performance, teacher qualifications, student safety, and much more. Results from the annual Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) can be found in the School Report Card. The KSA is the annual summative assessment given in grades 3 through 8, 10 and 11 to Kentucky public school students. KSA provides content area assessments, including reading and mathematics (grades 3 through 8 and 10), science (grades 4, 7, 11), on-demand writing and editing and mechanics (grades 5, 8, 11), and social studies (grades 5, 8, 11). KSA assessments are Kentucky’s measure of student proficiency and progress on the state content standards. These standards establish goals for what all students should know and be able to do in each grade.
The state’s accountability system's overall performance for each district and school is reported by color ratings including five performance levels from highest to lowest: Blue (Very High), Green (High), Yellow (Medium), Orange (Low) and Red (Very Low) in the 2024 Fall reporting period.
The KCSD overall was Green at the elementary level, Green at the middle school level, Green at the high school level. Additionally, overall individual school ratings are as follows: 2 Blue Schools (Taylor Mill SVA-Middle), 11 Green Schools (Dixie, Fort Wright, RC Hinsdale, Kenton, Piner, Ryland, Scott, Turkey Foot, Twenhofel, White’s Tower, and Woodland); 5 Yellow Schools ( Beechgrove, Caywood, River Ridge, Simon Kenton, Summit View Academy - Elementary).
The 2024 KCSD School Report card areas of strength include but are not limited to the following:
KCSD had 13 out of 18 schools performing at the Very High or High overall level.
All three levels (elementary, middle, and high) performed at the High (green) overall level.
The percentage of students scoring Proficient and Distinguished is at or above the state in all content areas and all levels with the exception of High School Science.
Elementary, Middle and High Schools’ overall indicator rating for Reading and Math was at the green rating.
Elementary Schools’ overall rating for Science, Social Studies, and Combined Writing was at the green rating.
Middle Schools’ overall rating for Science, Social Studies, and Combined Writing was at the blue rating.
KCSD outperformed the state on the ACT in all areas.
The 4-year Graduation Rate is up 2.3% at 97.9% and Postsecondary Readiness within the past two years has increased 15%.
As the sixth largest district in the state, we are very proud that we do not have any schools with the federal classification of Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI). TSI schools are those who have a subgroup performing at or below the bottom 5% of all schools.
The 2024 KCSD School Report card areas of growth include but are not limited to the following:
We want to thank all of our stakeholders for their commitment to our students through a growth mindset and daily efforts. We are very proud of our work and results and are committed to continuous growth of our instructional priorities to ensure an equitable learning environment for all. To view the performance and participation of our school, visit the online School Report Card in Open House.