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2023-24 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for 


Proficient Reading - KCSD: 35% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 22% | State:18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 40% | State: 30%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 20% | State: 12%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 32% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 23% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 33% | State: 24%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 14% | State: 11%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 36% | State: 28%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 17% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 29% | State: 28%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 13% | State: 11%

See All Scores

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Infinite Campus Help Page



Parent or Student Login site

Parents/guardians should log on to Infinite Campus using the parent portal. This account allows you your own account with your own password. The student then has his or her own account with their own username and password. This provides separate accounts and passwords which are needed for checking grades, scheduling classes, participating in surveys etc. This also allows you to view all students that you have with one login.

Don't have a parent portal account?  Please visit or email a school one of your children attend to receive a 32 digit activation key.
Help document for creating a parent portal account.

Disabled your account or experiencing other problems? 

Please provide the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Campus portal user name
  • Child's name
  • Child's school
  • Description of issue

You will receive a response in 1-2 business days.

Parent portal assistance is available through email only.  No phone support.

Allows students to view only their own information to check grades and take surveys.
If this is your first time logging onto Infinite Campus, the username is Student ID(this can be obtained from your school) your password is the student's first name initial, last name initial followed by birth date using a 6 digit number: for example Jim Smith born on May 6, 1999 would have a password of js050699.   Upon initial login you will be told you have been flagged for a password change. The "old" password it is asking for is the initials and birth date password that you just entered.

email if you need your password reset.