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2023-24 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for 


Proficient Reading - KCSD: 35% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 22% | State:18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 40% | State: 30%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 20% | State: 12%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 32% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 23% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 33% | State: 24%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 14% | State: 11%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 36% | State: 28%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 17% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 29% | State: 28%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 13% | State: 11%

See All Scores

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Social, Emotional and Behavior (SEB)/Student Services

Our VISION is to promote the educational experience and well-being of every student.

Our MISSION is to do whatever it takes to arm every student with the academic, social, emotional, behavioral skills to be successful in career and life.

Our VALUES:              

  • WE BELIEVE each and every student matters.

  • WE BELIEVE and demand the elimination of all gaps for every student.

  • WE BELIEVE in creating and maximizing future opportunities for all students.

THEREFORE, we will hold high expectations for all students and staff; distribute resources as necessary to provide extra supports and interventions so all students can achieve; identify and eliminate any social and educational barriers to students’ success.

The Department of Social, Emotional, Behavioral (SEB) and Student Engagement includes the areas of school health (physical and mental), home and hospital instruction, student information system (Infinite Campus), Positive Behavior Instruction, homeless assistance, home schooling, student attendance and enrollment, student and school safety, Activities and Athletics and other areas parents and teachers need advice on how to deal with problems as children mature. 

Because the growing-up process is a complicated one, parents and teachers often need advice on how to deal with problems as their children mature. The schools maintain a staff of student support personnel for this purpose, each of whom may be contacted through the school principal.

Students, their families, employees and potential employees of the Kenton County School District are hereby notified that the Kenton County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex or disability in employment, vocational programs offerings, admissions criteria, or activities as set forth in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies should be directed to Todd Dupin, Director of Pupil Personnel, 1055 Eaton Dr., Fort Wright, KY, 859-344-8888,

Social, Emotional, Behavioral (SEB)/Student Engagement Team

Todd Dupin

Director of Pupil Personnel

Reducing Barriers to Learning
District Hearing Officer
Community Education
District Athletics and Activities
District Aquatics Programs
Student Information System (Infinite Campus)
Home School Questions
Juvenile Court Issues
Homeless Student and Family Services
Attendance and Truancy
Home/Hospital Instruction

Karen Hendrix

Director of Districtwide Programs

District Behavior Coordination and PBIS
District Mental Health Services
Family Resource Centers
School Counselors
Kenton Therapeutic Program
Social-Emotional Learning
Governor's Scholar Program

Heather Arnold

RBTL Interventionalist

Kelly Blevins

Court Liaison/Homeless

Shelly Boutwell

Positive Behavior Support Consultant

Jamie Brunswick

RBTL Interventionalist

Derek Chow

SEB Interventionalist

Erin Clark

Home/Hospital Instruction Program

Emily Craddock

McKinney-Vento Social Worker

Jason Frazier

SEB Interventionalist

Krystal Fritsch

SEB Interventionalist

Shannon Gross

Assistant Superintendent, Middle School

Sarah Lowe

SEB Interventionalist

Cheryl Mallicoat

SEB Interventionalist

Amy Marsh

SEB Interventionalist

Janeal Mieczkowski

Mental Health Consultant

Pam Pitts

SEB Interventionalist

Jennifer Pracht

RBTL Interventionalist

Jessica Schworer

RBTL Interventionalist

Marsha Swegman

Administrative Assistant, Student Services

Angela Weiss

Student Information System Specialist

Matt Wilhoite

Student Engagement Coordinator