Professional Counseling Services
Each Kenton County school has full time professional school counseling services. Professional school counselors provide individual student and small group counseling, parent support counseling and referrals to community agencies, ongoing teacher and student case consultation. Also, each professional school counselor has a central role in the school’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) team. Any time a parent has a concern related to the educational, social, emotional or behavioral well-being of their child, please immediately contact the professional school counselor.
District Crisis and Trauma Response Team
The seventy plus person team is comprised of district psychologists, professional school counselors, and social workers. This team provides short term crisis management and intervention for schools experiencing crisis due to death, disaster, a critical incidence, etc. The members of the team have received trauma and loss certification training including debriefing strategies, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder management and suicide prevention/ intervention. When needed, the team provides follow up referrals to outside agencies.
School Psychological Services
Nine school psychologists provide consultation and support to teachers, parents, and administrators regarding educational or social/developmental/behavioral issues. A primary service provided is a psychological evaluation for students referred by the school due to experiencing educational problems. Results are interpreted to parents and school. Additionally, school and clinical psychologists participate on problem solving teams in each school's Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) team.
Outside community agencies
KCSD mental health professionals will sometimes make referrals to outside agencies and in this case, the form below must be completed in order to permit the school staff to communicate with the outside community agency.
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