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2023-24 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for 


Proficient Reading - KCSD: 35% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 22% | State:18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 40% | State: 30%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 20% | State: 12%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 32% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 23% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 33% | State: 24%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 14% | State: 11%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 36% | State: 28%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 17% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 29% | State: 28%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 13% | State: 11%

See All Scores

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Health Services

"You cannot educate an unhealthy child and you cannot keep an uneducated child healthy."
-Dr. M. Jocelyn Elders, former US Surgeon General



The Kenton County School District Health Services Department agrees with the opinion of Dr. M. Jocelyn Elders.  Our mission is to support education by advancing and promoting health for all students through the implementation of professional nursing skills, health education, and the development of individualize health management so that all students can achieve their greatest potential as lifelong learners and to be responsible, contributing citizens in an ever-changing global society.

We recognize each child's individual needs and acknowledge the importance of a cooperative relationship between families, health care providers, and the school community to provide a holistic approach and a supportive system that meets the needs of students.  Using this holistic approach and professional school nursing practice, our vision is to promote a supportive and health conscious environment which will provide optimal learning for all students.   

 Health Services

in the

Kenton County School District

The KCSD follows the Kentucky Department of Education, Northern Kentucky Health Department, and Kentucky Department of Public Health guidelines on immunization requirements, infectious disease, and preventative health services. 

Each school in the KCSD has a Health Office staffed with a licensed or trained professional.  When the health professionals are at lunch or out for the day, each school has additional delegated trained nonmedical school personnel responsible for administration of medications, first aid, procedures, and emergency management.   The Health Office has basic assessment tools and first aid items.  During the 2023-24 school year over 90,000 health office visits occurred in the district.  In most instances, each student presents to the Health Office with a KCSD Health Services Office Note.  This duplicate note is initiated in the classroom, is completed by Health Office staff, and is sent home with the student serving as notification to families of a referral for health services.   Depending on the circumstance of the Health Office Visit a call or text to the parent/guardian might occur and determination made if the student should remain at school.  Health Services staff contacts can be found at the bottom of this webpage.  Please reach out to your school’s nurse with any health concerns.

Use the following guidelines to determine when students should stay home 

     Please keep your child home if any of the following are present:

  • a fever of 100º F (37.8º C) in the past 24 hours
  • Tylenol or Ibuprofen used to control fever in the past 24 hours
  • an undiagnosed rash
  • sore throat
  • new cough (for students with chronic cough due to allergies or asthma, a change in their cough from baseline)
  • difficulty breathing (for students with asthma, a change from their baseline breathing)
  • vomiting or diarrhea 
  • suspected conjunctivitis (pink eye) or yellow eye drainage
  • new onset of severe headache, especially with fever
  • sore throat/strep throat- if awaiting culture results or less than 24 hours of antibiotic treatment
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Muscle aches or body aches
  • Respiratory virus: COVID, Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
    • Return to normal activities when symptoms are improving overall for at least 24 hours
    • If a fever was present, it has to be gone without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours

It's often difficult to tell how sick your child is in the morning.  Remember if they stay home and improve, you can always bring them in to school. We appreciate your help as we work to prevent the spread of viruses and other communicable diseases throughout our communities. If you have any questions, contact the school nurse.

Communicable Illnesses:

Per Kentucky Regulatory Statue (KRS) 158.160 parents and guardians are obligated to notify the student's school if the student has a medical condition that threatens the safety of the student or others in the school. The notification should be given as soon as the medical condition becomes known and upon each subsequent enrollment by the student in a school. 

If any student is known or suspected to have or be infected with a communicable disease or condition for which a reasonable probability for transmission exists in the school setting, the district may order the student excluded from school. This KRS has been in effect since 2005.

Reportable Diseases and Conditions in Kentucky

Health Requirements

Meeting health requirements for school attendance is an important part of making sure your child is ready for school.  These requirements provide the assurance that your child is not only up-to-date on necessary immunizations, but also that he/she is healthy to attend school.  Keep your child “on track” by making sure that he/she meets the health requirements every school year. The Essential Health Enrollment Information and Forms located on the right margin of this webpage outlines the health information required for students. If you have additional questions or concerns, refer to the contact information for school nurse assignments below or contact the Director of Health Services.

Kentucky Immunization Registry (KYIR) Public Portal

KYIR has launched a public facing portal that allows individuals to log in and access their child’s immunization records. Individuals can access their/their child’s full immunization record, COVID-19 vaccine specific record with a SMART Health Card QR code, and Kentucky’s official school certificate. Please see the attached one-pager with information and QR code to access Getting Vaccination Records- English  Getting Vaccination Records- Spanish

In order for individuals to use the portal, there must be a matching email or phone number in their/their child’s KYIR record. For individuals attempting to access their own records, the portal pulls this information from the demographic page in KYIR, see this guide for instructions. For parents and guardians attempting to access records for individuals under 18, it pulls this information from the primary contact. Please see this guide on how to update that information.

Please email with any questions you may have. 

  Virtual School-Based Health Programs Partnering with 

The KCSD has partnered with St. Elizabeth Physicians (SEP) to bring virtual school-based health programs into ALL our schools.  This program can be used by students and staff.  

Virtual School-Based Health Programs can be used to provide high-quality healthcare using video technology.  KCSD Health Office staff will be the liaison with SEP to schedule and lead the video visits with SEP medical staff.  If needed, the virtual visits will be enhanced using a USB otoscope and stethoscope for the provider to hear and see in real time.  Parents will be able to join the visit in person or real time via video link.  School health office staff can test for flu, strep, and COVID if ordered by the provider at the time of the virtual visit. A St. E courier will pick up the labs for quick reporting.  Medications can be prescribed at the time of the visit or when lab results are reported. The link found here is an attached flyer that provides more Virtual School-Based Health Program information.   Electronic or paper documents for consent and new-patient need to be completed for the initial visit. 

Health Services is excited to partner with SEP and bring this opportunity to our community.  

For access to new patient packet, consent form, and to view Frequently Asked Questions, you can also visit SEP website at or email 


Your child doesn't have to miss school. You don't have to miss work. 

• With your consent, your child will have the opportunity to be seen by a St. Elizabeth Physicians licensed healthcare provider, right from the school nurse's office

• You will be notified by the school nurse prior to initiating a video visit for their child.

• You do not need to be present for your child to be seen, a link will be provided for you to participate in your child's video visit from anywhere via your mobile phone, tablet or laptop.

• Neither you nor your child are required to be a St. Elizabeth Physicians patient to join the program.


st e

Kenton County School District’s Health Services Department is pleased to announce a partnership with St. Elizabeth Outpatient Medical Village Pharmacy to offer vaccinations to KCSD students.  Most vaccines will be available to students regardless of their primary care physician/pediatrician or payment methods.  If you have been notified that your student is in need of immunizations, don’t miss this opportunity.  

Immunization compliance is required for all students in the KCSD

St. Elizabeth Outpatient Medical Village Pharmacy

20 Medical Village Drive Suite 103

Edgewood, KY 41017


Please have insurance information available when you call to make an appointment and bring the card with you to the appointment.

Contact Paula Rust, KCSD Director of Health Services, at 859-957-2640 with questions.                               




  • It is important to check your child's immunization records and ensure they are up-to-date on all vaccines.
  • Vaccination throughout childhood helps prevent potentially life-threatening, but vaccine- preventable diseases​​​​

Visit this webpage to learn more about the importance of immunizations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Immunization Schedules




The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) have updated their childhood immunization “basics” disease fact sheets in English and Spanish. and they are now available on CDC’s website. 

These fact sheets, now available on CDC's website, are written for parents of children birth-2 years old. Each of the 14 sheets provides an overview of a vaccine-preventable disease and vaccine information.

Diseases include:


The CDC is currently investigating over 450 cases of severe lung illness in at least 33 states, including five deaths that are potentially linked to the use of e-cigarettes. Recently, health care providers in Kentucky were asked to begin reporting cases.

The most common symptoms of this severe lung illness include cough, shortness of breath and chest pain.  Based on reports from several states, patients have also experienced fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or weight loss. Although some of these symptoms may be common at this time of year, those who use e-cigarettes and experience any of the above symptoms should contact their health care provider immediately.

Use of e-cigarettes by youth in Kentucky is higher than the national average, and the rate of use has more than doubled from 2016 to 2018, as measured by the Kentucky Incentives for Prevention (KIP) Survey.  To help prevent more cases, NKY Health recommends the following actions:
● Talk with your students about e-cigarette use and warn them of the potential hazards of using these devices.
● Advise parents to contact their child’s doctor immediately if the child has any of the above symptoms, especially if they are having serious breathing problems for no known reason

There are potential dangers of vaping, especially with THC, but also with nicotine. Many people think that e-cigarette liquid just contains water and flavorings; however, most e-cigarettes contain nicotine and/or other chemicals. They do not realize the very serious impact on their lungs and the rest of their body. If you are not using e-cigarettes or vaping, do not start. If you are currently using e-cigarettes or vaping, get help to quit.




Please take a minute to show your teens these public service announcements from other teens in our state.


National Association of School Nurses

"School nursing, a specialized practice of public health nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates normal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders that bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potentials."



Student Accident Insurance

The Kenton County School District has selected the Student Insurance Plan from K&K Insurance Group to make reliable coverage available to parents. If you don’t have other insurance, this plan may be a resource to consider. Additionally, even if you have other coverage, this plan can help fill expensive “gaps” caused by deductible and co-pays. Coverage may be purchased at any time during the school year by visiting




The Importance of Sleep

Many of the common complaints seen in the nurse's office (headache, stomachache, etc.) are the result of sleep deprivation.  The following article from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention discusses the importance of sleep and the recommended hours of sleep needed.

 “… Sufficient sleep is not a luxury—it is a necessity—and should be thought of as a vital sign of good health.”

Wayne H. Giles, MD, MS, Director,
Division of Adult and Community Health,
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

To help reduce the risk of virus transmission, students and staff should:

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after changing diapers if soap and water are not available use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and put your used tissue in the waste basket. If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands.
  • Avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when feeling sick, and consult their health care provider as needed. Children with cold like symptoms that experience difficulty breathing should consult their health care provider for further evaluation.
  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as handrails and doorknobs, especially if someone is sick.
  • In addition, we encourage staff and students, especially those with chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma, to be vaccinated against influenza as soon as the vaccine becomes available. Getting the flu along with an upper respiratory virus could be very serious for someone with chronic respiratory diseases.
  • Do not come to school if you are sick.    



Information and resources available to help guard against the spread of flu

Each flu season, flu causes millions of illnesses, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands or sometimes tens of thousands of deaths. Vaccination can reduce flu illnesses, doctors' visits, and missed work and school due to flu, as well as prevent flu-related hospitalizations. Flu most commonly peaks during the month of February. If you have not gotten vaccinated yet this season, you should get vaccinated now— It's Not Too Late!

Healthy people can get very sick from the flu and spread it to friends and loved ones.
Following are the most important steps to help protect your family against the flu this season.


Tips to prevent flu

  • Try to avoid close contact with sick people

  • While sick, limit contact with others as much as possible to keep from infecting them.

  • If you are sick with flu-like illness, CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone for 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.)

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.  After using a tissue, throw it in the trash and wash your hands.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water,  If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. 

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, Germs spread this way. 

  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs like flu.




Health Services Staff

Paula Rust

Central Office

Karla Allison

Central Office

James Allison

Summit View Academy

Brandy Bradford

Piner Elementary School

Michelle Combs

Jenifer Cook

Woodland Middle School

Kristi Dixon

Ft. Wright Elementary School

Laura Faulkner

Turkey Foot Middle School

Patty Gausepohl

Taylor Mill Elementary School

Niki Hon

Simon Kenton High School

Pam Luehrmann

Summit View Academy

Amy Marx

Dixie Heights High School

Lois McCubbin

Hinsdale Elementary

Dee North

Caywood Elementary School

Michelle Racke

Twenhofel Middle School

Cheryl Smith

River Ridge Elementary School

Rachael Stowers

Kenton Elementary School

Shelli Stowers

Scott High School

Meghan Williams

White's Tower Elementary School

Carla Williamson

Beechgrove Elementary School


Parent Questionnaires

Please print or email and send to your school nurse upon completion 

Select condition then the link to complete