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Daily Routine & Schedule

To create an active learning environment for all children, the teacher establishes and maintains a daily routine for the class.  An example of a daily schedule is as follows:

  • Greeting Circle - The children and teachers sit together to greet each other and review the daily schedule.
  • Planning Time - Through an activity, the children plan the areas they will work (play) in during work time.
  • Work Time - The children play in the areas they select during planning time.  Teachers move around the room and interact with each child in their self-directed play.  The children may change their plans as they see fit.  Work time is the longest activity of the day.
  • Clean-up Time - The children clean up the materials they used during work time.
  • Recall Time - The children return to their group to recall activities they engaged in during work time.
  • Small Groups - The teacher presents an activity in which the children participate.  The activities are picked to meet the needs and interests of the children.  The children are encouraged to use the materials as they choose, contribute their own ideas and solve problems presented by the teacher.  Some examples of activities include:  cooking, art projects and experiments.
  • Gross Motor Play - Materials and activities are provided to encourage large muscle play and development.
  • Large Group - All children come together for games, stories, songs, finger plays and basic movement exercises. 
  • Circle time encourages each child to participate in a large group and share ideas with others.
  • Lunch - Lunch is a learning time for students.  They are learning lots of self help skills aby using utensils, opening packaging, etc.  Interactions are also an important part of this time as they build social skills with other students and the adults engaging them as they eat.  
  • Dismissal - The children follow routines to prepare to go home.

*Nap time is provided, as developmentally appropriate.  Children who do not still need a nap, will be engaged in quiet time or other activity.