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2023-24 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for 


Proficient Reading - KCSD: 35% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 22% | State:18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 40% | State: 30%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 20% | State: 12%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 32% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 23% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 33% | State: 24%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 14% | State: 11%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 36% | State: 28%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 17% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 29% | State: 28%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 13% | State: 11%

See All Scores

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Preschool Parent Resources

Let's Learn Kentucky

Let’s Learn Kentucky, developed and curated by KET, is a resource hub for parents and caregivers ​​​navigating the early ​years, from birth through the time they enter school, a formative time for children’s ​​development.


Preparing for Kindergarten

In Kentucky, "School readiness means that each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from  early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success and ability to be  Ready to Grow, Ready to Learn & Ready to Succeed."  Parent resources are provided through the Governor's office to assist parents in preparing their child. 

My Pre-K

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to experiences before Kindergarten.  Discover the best options in your community by visiting  There isn’t just one way to Pre-K.   How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves offers important clues about their development. 

Visit to gain insights on your child’s development.

30 Million Words | NO SMALL MATTER a film about early childhood education

Words are always around. From words children hear from parents, relatives, even television are words they will grow up using. To ensure that your child can and will be successful all you have to do is talk to them. From words like apple, because, coffee, or danger children will soak up whatever they hear around them. Every day errands can be a golden opportunity to expand your child's vocabulary.

Developmental Milestones Checklists

Developmental milestones are stages in development that most children are able to reach at each age.  These checklists will assist parents in recognizing typical development through active play, speech and interaction. 


Developmental Milestones at 3 years old (English)   

Developmental Milestones at 3 years old (Spanish)

Developmental Milestones at 4 years old (English)

Developmental Milestones at 4 years old (Spanish)


Milestones in Action

View video of developmental milestones by age. 

Resources for Early Learning

Enjoy learning and growing with your child.  Activity ideas for interaction with your child in areas such as building, water play, music, plants and more!


Resources for Social and Emotional Learning

Free resources for parents to handle upset and conflict

Conscious Discipline

Conscious Discipline - Free Resources