We have a district of excellence and we continue to focus on intentional growth as we are committed to becoming a World Class school district for our kids. We have an outstanding Board of Education that provides excellent leadership through the adoption of goals and district oversight.
District Goals:
• Transition Readiness Rate, 100%
• Attendance, 96.25%
Additionally, our board has adopted our Community Based Accountability System (CBAS) to ensure that our district is a "forward facing" school district. Ninety-six staff, students, parents and business individuals participate on our six pillar action teams to develop key questions and monitor (or signal) our progress in our CBAS model. This model ensures we have a holistic approach to accountability that enables us to meet the needs of all of our students. More information on our CBAS model can be viewed here.
We understand and embrace our challenging goals that require our district to focus on the whole child to ensure every child is College and/or Career ready and prepared for the 21st Century Economy. TEAM KENTON believes "It's About All Kids" and is committed to doing "whatever it takes" to ensure we meet our goals for our kids.
Nothing great is achieved alone and we know that our TEAM KENTON extended family to include our parents, families and community members are outstanding partners that help us meet the needs of our KIDS and our district. We extend a very special thank you to our amazing TEAM KENTON and our extended family for your unwavering commitment to our TEAM. Together, we will make the KCSD World Class for our kids!