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2023-24 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for 


Proficient Reading - KCSD: 35% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 22% | State:18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 40% | State: 30%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 20% | State: 12%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 32% | State: 30%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 23% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 33% | State: 24%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 14% | State: 11%



Proficient Reading - KCSD: 36% | State: 28%

Distinguished Reading - KCSD: 17% | State: 18%

Proficient Math - KCSD: 29% | State: 28%

Distinguished Math - KCSD: 13% | State: 11%

See All Scores

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Inclement Weather

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Weather Decisions in the Kenton County School District


The KCSD may utilize non-traditional instruction (NTI) days when schools are closed to due inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

 1.       When our local weather authorities begin discussing the possibility of flurries, the transportation department begins gathering and reviewing information from various sources (weather stations, NOAA forecasts, State trooper road reports, etc…). Staff members also drive the various area roads across the county to assess the conditions first-hand. These processes increase our chances of making the safest decision. 

2.       Using the best data available, transportation officials work to determine if the weather event is going to happen before, during, or after school.  Each scenario provides a different problem and various solutions.
  • a.        If the weather is early morning or late at night, we examine the current conditions and forecasts for the day at about 3:15 AM.  Depending on the situation transportation officials start driving the roads at 4:00 AM.  Staff members drive the entire county.  One travels the south and west to east part of the district while another travels the north, west to east, portion.
  • b.      If the weather event is supposed to occur during the day, the district has to work with expert sources to decide if the school day can be completed before the event or if the school day needs to be cancelled or if an early dismissal is warranted.

3.       At about 4:15-4:30, constant contact is established with Boone County, Campbell County, Grant County, Walton-Verona and other surrounding school district transportation officials.  Depending on the track of the storm contact may also be made with Owen and Gallatin County to further access resources to track the storms progress.

4.       At about 4:30-4:45, the Superintendent is briefed on the research and provided the latest thinking on the future conditions so a decision can be made based within the next thirty minutes. 

5.       At about 4:45-5:00, more calls are made to neighboring districts to assess conditions and contact is made with all drivers assessing road conditions.

6.       The goal is to make a decision by 5:15 AM.  Transportation staff are reporting at 5:30 and leaving their homes between 5:00 and 5:15.

7.       All decisions are made through the use of constant review from the weather authorities and transportation experts to ensure the safest decision are made for our students. The superintendent or designee has the authority to close schools when weather or other emergency conditions would make operating the school bus fleet unsafe.

For the fastest updates on school delays and closures, please follow us on X at You can also download our app in Google or Apple and enable push notifications.

Also, be sure to use TrackStar to track your child's bus location.